Does Sen. Eloise Vitelli (D-Bath) Stand With BIW or Jackson & Gideon?

AUGUSTA – Maine Republican Party Executive Director, Jason Savage, issued the following statement:

“While Democrat leaders like Senate President Troy Jackson and Speaker Sara Gideon attempt to renege on a $45 million tax break granted to Bath Iron Works, Democrats like Sen. Eloise Vitelli (D-Bath) who represents the district and many of it’s workers are shockingly quiet.

It is incredibly disturbing that Democrat leadership would send a threatening letter to one of Maine’s largest employers, one that provides good wages, employs Mainers in all 16 counties, and is a major economic driver for the state. This is just another example of the Democrat anti-business and job killing agenda and it must be stopped.

Bath Iron Works, their workers, and surrounding communities deserve to know where their elected leaders stand on this massive tax hike that Democrats are pushing in Augusta.

We call on Senator Eloise Vitelli (D-Bath) and Senator Brownie Carson (D-Harpswell) who represent large numbers of BIW workers to answer one simple question: Do you stand with BIW and their workers or your party leaders in Augusta?”– Executive Director Jason Savage

Add your name now and tell Congress: I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP


Today House Democrats have sealed their fate. Despite President Trump leading our nation to unprecedented heights, Rep. Pingree and Rep. Golden have continued to push for this sham impeachment witch hunt. Mainers will remember December 18th as the day Democrats chose party over country.

Add your name now and tell Congress: I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP

Statement on Golden’s Vote to Impeach President Trump

AUGUSTA – Maine Republican Party Chair, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, issued the following statement regarding Rep. Jared Golden’s announcement that he will vote to impeach President Donald Trump:

“Simply put, Jared Golden is putting manufactured D.C. drama ahead of his own constituents. It’s clear that Golden has no interest in being the voice of a district that overwhelmingly voted for President Trump.

From day one of the impeachment sham, Jared has attempted to play both sides of the issue. Whether it was paying his constituents lip service when he cast a critical vote to formalize the impeachment inquiry, or hiding from Mainers who demanded to know where he stood during the hearings, or ‘splitting his vote’ to impeach the President, the lack of leadership from Jared Golden is astounding. Regardless of how the one-term Congressman attempts to sell you on his political games, make no mistake, Jared Golden is voting to IMPEACH our President.

Today Jared Golden showed his true colors. While he has spent his political career attempting to convince Mainers he is a moderate and a ‘straight-shooter,’ he has proven he is nothing but an empty suit and a rubber stamp vote for Nancy Pelosi and D.C. Democrats.

In less than a year, Mainers will once again make their voice heard in the 2020 election, and unlike Jared Golden they won’t split their vote. They will re-elect Donald Trump and replace Jared Golden with a new member of Congress who represents them.” -Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas

Tell Jared Golden: No Impeachment


In 2016, Maine’s Second Congressional District overwhelmingly voted to elect President Donald Trump. Since day 1 of President Trump’s administration, Jared Golden and his Democrat allies have tried an endless string of smear campaigns to impeach our President and ignore the will of the American people.

As the House Democrats approach their formal vote on impeaching the President, sign your name to tell Jared Golden to stop the madness and remind him that he represents a district that voted for President Trump by 10 points, not D.C. Democrats dead set on impeaching our President.


Chris Glynn, former staffer for Sara Gideon, authored sexist, profane tweets that remained public through his tenure with Democratic elected officials

AUGUSTA – The Maine GOP today is calling on Speaker of the House Sara Gideon to denounce the offensive statements made by longtime Democratic staffer Chris Glynn, after a series of his tweets were released. The tweets show Glynn, a former Gideon spokesman and current spokesman for the left-wing dark money organization Maine Momentum, has a troubling history of profane, violent, and misogynist online comments.

Glynn has posted dozens of alarming tweets, over the span of years. Despite this shocking history of offensive public statements, Glynn was hired by an array of prominent Democratic elected officials and organizations, including Speaker of the House Sara Gideon, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, the Maine Democratic Party, and Maine Momentum.

In one example, Glynn referenced tennis star Venus Williams’ “ass”, commenting that he couldn’t tell if he was viewing the athlete’s backside because her shorts were “the same color as her skin.”

Glynn’s Twitter history is riddled with harsh and violent profanities, including one stating he’d like to “rip someone’s face off for no reason.” Other vulgar and inexplicable tweets from Glynn can be found here.

“Speaker Gideon should condemn these public comments immediately, and her attack group Maine Momentum needs to do the same. Letting these vicious and hateful tweets persist for literally years under her watch shows at best a cavalier attitude toward disrespectful statements about gender and race, and at worst a willingness to tolerate the most wretched behavior as long as it comes from her side of the aisle.” – MEGOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas.

Take the Joe Biden IQ Test – Are you smarter than Sleepy Joe?

Recently an American voter had the audacity to challenge Joe Biden with a tough question about his son Hunter and his role with Ukraine gas company Burisma.

Sleepy Joe’s first instinct was to insult the man and challenge him to an IQ test.

So we decided to craft this Joe Biden IQ test, to let you see if you’re smarter than Joe Biden. Check it out!

Say NO to the new Maine toll booths and gas tax increases

Gov. Janet Mills and Democrats blew through the entire state surplus without providing any additional funding for Maine’s roads and bridges – and now they want to raise the gas tax and install new toll booths across Maine.

Our roads should be a priority in the state budget. Maine drivers should not be forced to pay higher taxes and fees because Democrats want to spend our surplus on other things.

Put existing revenue into fixing our roads and leave the gas tax and our highways the way they are. Maine already has the third highest tax burden in the nation, don’t make Maine even more expensive for working Mainers.

Statement on new Dem push for more toll booths, gas tax increase

AUGUSTA – The Maine GOP is calling for Democrats to stand down in their continued push to drive up costs for Maine drivers through increased gas taxes and now the idea of adding toll booths across Maine. The toll booth idea has been floating around Augusta and is confirmed in this video.

“Maine’s working people are trying so hard to get ahead,” said Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. “Time and again, Democrats are pushing to drive up the cost for Mainers to get to work or take care of their family just as we told voters they would. Earlier this year, Democrats tried to raise gas and heating oil taxes by as much as 40 cents per gallon. Now Mainers are facing gas tax increases on two fronts plus the expansion of toll booths.”

“These tax increase proposals from Democrats are never-ending. The state has revenue to fix our roads but Democrats just want to spend that money elsewhere. Governor Janet Mills even canceled road work last year and spent surplus on her other favored projects.”

“Maine already has the third highest tax burden in the nation. If you’re a Mainer who thinks the state should move some of the existing revenue we have into fixing our roads instead of spending it on special interest giveaways and runaway welfare spending, like giving non-citizens welfare, call the Maine House at (207) 287-1400 and Maine Senate at (207) 287-1540 and tell them how you feel,” said Dr. Kouzounas.

“Enough is enough. Hard-working Mainers shouldn’t be forced to choose between a tax hike or having their cars damaged on terrible roads because Janet Mills and Sara Gideon want to blow your tax money on special interest projects.”


Senator Bill Diamond’s suggestion during an episode of the TV show “The Maine Event” that a special transportation funding committee should consider adding tolls across Maine’s highways on top of a gas tax increase, when combined with Janet Mills’ decision to participate in the Transportation and Climate Initiative process, puts Maine drivers in the crosshairs of a crushing increase in their transportation costs.

This could result in two gas tax increases plus additional toll booth costs in one legislative session in Maine – already one of the nation’s most rural states with the nation’s third highest tax burden according to Wallethub.

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