Maine GOP Statement on the State of the Union Address

AUGUSTA – Following the State of the Union address, Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas released the following statement:

“Tonight, President Trump’s State of the Union Address outlined an unprecedented record of achievements: Two terrorist leaders killed, two Supreme Court Justices confirmed, and two major trade deals signed into law — all in just the first three years of President Trump’s leadership. With these massive accomplishments, as well as a record-breaking economy, President Trump will continue to deliver for Mainers and win re-election in November.”

Maine GOP Launches People’s Veto To Repeal Ranked Choice Voting

AUGUSTA – Dr. Demi Kouzounas issued the following statement today regarding her filing for a People’s Veto to L.D. 1083 to Repeal Ranked Choice Voting in Maine’s Presidential Elections:

“One person, one vote is a bedrock American principle. Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a direct violation of that principle and threatens the rights of all Mainers and delegitimatizes our election process,” said Dr. Kouzounas.

The people’s veto effort will be managed by the Maine Republican Party’s new ballot question committee, led by Chair Kouzounas.

Because of the manner in which Gov. Janet Mills allowed L.D. 1083 to to pass into law without her signature, a major window for a people’s veto of L.D. 1083 has now opened. To stop the current implementation of ranked-choice voting in Maine’s 2020 Presidential election and instead bring the repeal question to the November ballot, supporters must submit 63,067 signatures of registered Maine voters before the 90th day after the end of the current legislative session.

When ranked-choice voting was first proposed by out-of-state political operatives and mega-donors, it was billed as a new election system that would improve voter participation, create a more civil dialogue in our political process, and elect the ‘majority’ winner.”

The promises supporters of ranked-choice voting made – funded with massive amounts of out-of-state-money, have been proven unequivocally false:

  • RCV is NOT a more fair or equal process. It allows some voters to get multiple votes, while some only get one vote.
  • RCV does NOT create majority winners.  In fact some people’s ballots are “exhausted” and thrown out in the counting.
  • RCV does NOT make elections more civil or cut down on negative politics.
  • RCV does NOT increase participation. In fact, it serves as voter suppression.
  • RCV is NOT simple. Maine’s experience shows a much higher rate of voter error and spoiled ballots.
  • RCV costs our cities, towns and state more money than traditional elections.
  • RCV has already been found unconstitutional in state general elections. Why should we use it anywhere?

Despite mountains of testimony from Mainers across the political spectrum who citied major issues and concerns with Ranked Choice voting, the Maine Legislature and Governor Mills approved the use of expanding Ranked Choice Voting to our Presidential Elections.

“It has become abundantly clear that the people of Maine must take the power of elections back into their own hands and restore faith and constitutionality into our electoral system,” said Dr. Kouzounas.

“Over the next several months Mainers from Kittery to Fort Kent will be working to repeal RCV from being used in our Presidential Elections and finally begin the process of restoring Maine’s elections to their traditional form.”

For more information regarding the People’s Veto to Repeal Ranked Choice Voting visit

Petitions are being distributed beginning this week, and anyone wishing to sign, collect signatures or donate can use do so through the website.

Gideon Faces New Ethics Complaint: Spent Thousands from Corporate Funded PAC Supporting Her Own Campaign

AUGUSTA, ME – Today, Dr. Demi Kouzounas filed an ethics complaint with the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices and is urging an investigation of Sara Gideon’s corporate-funded Leadership PAC failing to disclose thousands of dollars worth of Facebook ads.

In addition to the undisclosed campaign spending, the Facebook ads appear to have promoted Sara Gideon, amounting to an in-kind contribution to her 2018 campaign, far exceeding the $400 per election contribution limit.

“Sara Gideon continues her pattern of unethical behavior,” said Dr. Demi Kouzounas. “First, the Maine Ethics Commission found Gideon broke the law by illegally using her corporate-funded Leadership PAC to reimburse herself for campaign contributions. Today, Mainers learn she tried to hide thousands of dollars worth campaign ads while also illegally boosting her own political ambitions.”

“Mainers know Gideon has long relied on corporate money, shady donors, and now illegally hiding campaign spending to further her political ambitions and give Maine’s voice away to Washington special interests.”

Please see the ethics complaint HERE.

Please see the exhibits for the complaint HERE.

Dr. Demi Kouzounas is the Chair of the Maine Republican Party. Kouzounas is a Dentist and a small businesswoman with nearly 30 employees. Before receiving her doctorate in dentistry, Kouzounas served our country in the U.S. Army.

February 4th- State of the Union Watch Parties

Have you heard? President Trump’s third State of the Union address is Tuesday, February 4th. To celebrate the historic occasion, we are hosting a National Day of Action on Tuesday!

Somerset County

Hero’s Pizza

60 Waterville Rd, Skowhegan, ME 04976

Time: 7:30 PM

POC: Sharon Bemis- [email protected]


Androscoggin County

236 Main Street, Lewiston, ME 04240

Time: 7:30 PM

POC: Ben Hincher- [email protected]


York County

469 Main Street, Suites 202 & 204 Springvale 04083 

Time: 7:30 PM

POC: Markie Amadei- [email protected]


Penobscot County

Seasons Restaurant

427 Main Street Bangor, ME 04401

Time: 7:30 PM

POC: Matt Fishbein- [email protected]


Kennebec County

First United Pentecostal Church of Augusta

Address: 15 Wilson St, Augusta, ME 04330

Time: 6:30PM (Kennebec County GOP Meeting starts at 6:30 PM)

POC: Joe Turcotte- [email protected]


Piscataquis County

Location: Stress Free Moose Pub & Cafe

Address: 65 Pritham Ave Greenville, ME 04441

Time: 7:30 PM

POC: Cody Porter- [email protected]


Waldo County

Location: Rollie’s Bar and Grill

Address: 37 Main Street Belfast, ME 04915

Time: 8 PM

POC: Max Provencher- [email protected]


Cumberland County

Location: Samuel A. Ladd House

14 College Street Brunswick, ME 04011

Time: 6 PM

POC: Theo – [email protected]


Janet Mills Doubles Down On Tax-and-Spend Politics

AUGUSTA – Maine Republican Party Executive Director, Jason Savage, issued the following statement following Janet Mills’ State of the State Address:

“Tonight, Governor Janet Mills echoed the same tax and spend policies she has pushed since she took office. Taxpayers of Maine are at the back of the line in Governor Janet Mills’ agenda.

There is a reason Janet Mills is the 7th least popular governor in the country. Instead of focusing on issues that will better the lives of everyday Mainers, Janet has prioritized special interests and pet projects. Maine’s roads are crumbling, our elderly care centers are under-funded, and Maine citizens in desperate need of assistance are stuck on waiting lists behind non-citizens, all while Janet builds solar panels and charging stations for electric cars. It’s sad that we are facing increases to the gas tax a year after Janet Mills blew through hundreds of millions in new spending while ignoring our roads.

Simply put, Janet Mills’ and Sara Gideon’s vision for Maine does not offer a bright future. It offers less freedom, less opportunity and more big government. The Janet Mills agenda is politics first, Maine people last.”


(Recap): January National Day of Action

Trump Victory Volunteer Sign Up Form

President Trump Is Rebuilding a Culture of Life

President Donald J. Trump has worked to defend innocent human life, a priority he embraced as a presidential candidate when he stated on January 23, 2016, “Let me be clear — I am pro-life.”

Presidential Pro-Life Statements

“I believe it is the most basic duty of government to guard the innocent. With that in mind, I will veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life Federal policies and laws, or that encourages the destruction of innocent human life at any stage.”

Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives- January 18, 2019

“On this day, National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we mourn the lives cut short, and the tremendous promise lost, as a result of abortion. As a Nation, we must resolve to protect innocent human life at every stage.  As President, I am committed to defending the Right to Life.

“My Administration has repeatedly demonstrated its respect for human life and conscience at all stages. … Today, we recommit ourselves to protecting innocent life every day and at every stage.”

Proclamation 9838 of January 18, 2019- National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2019

Pro-Life and Conscience Accomplishments

  • Reinstated the Mexico City Policy to end Federal funding of foreign non-governmental organizations providing family planning abroad if they perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning.
  • Expanded the Mexico City Policy to more than $8 billion in global health assistance provided by all Federal departments and agencies.
  • Nominated 150 Federal judges confirmed by the Senate who will uphold the United States Constitution, including two Associate Justices of the Supreme Court.
  • Wrote Congress in support of the following pro-life bills:
    • No-Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2019.
    • Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
    • Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
  • Published a regulation to prevent the commingling of taxpayer dollars funding the Title X family planning program with projects that perform, promote, or refer for abortion as a method of family planning.
  • Allowed Title X family planning grantees to exclude, as subrecipients, organizations that perform or promote abortions.
  • Funded 16 new organizations as Title X grantees, including State health departments, faith-based organizations, and several community health centers.
  • Allowed State Medicaid directors more flexibility to set qualification standards for Medicaid providers, including requirements that may exclude abortion providers from the Medicaid program.
  • Ended HHS funding for new medical research using human fetal tissue obtained from elective abortions, unless authorized by an ethics advisory board.
  • Reissued guidance, Interaction of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) and the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002, that hospitals may be required to screen, stabilize, and treat or transfer “every infant who is born alive, at any stage of development” including those born alive after abortions.
  • Issued guidance to clarify that a hardship exemption from the Obamacare individual mandate is available if all affordable plans offered through the Federal exchanges in an individual’s area include abortion coverage, contrary to one’s beliefs.
  • Issued final rules protecting religious orders, pro-life organizations, and other organizations and individuals that have religious or moral objections to providing coverage for contraceptives, including those they believe cause early abortions, in their health insurance plans.
  • Proposed regulations on Obamacare to protect life and conscience, including:
  • Requiring Obamacare insurers to issue separate invoices for insurance coverage of abortions.
  • Requiring Obamacare insurers with plans covering abortions to offer at least one identical plan in the same geographic area that does not cover abortions. (The rule would not apply in States with mandated abortion coverage.)
  • Reversing Obama Administration’s efforts to force recipients of certain Federal funding to provide or pay for abortions.
  • Provided guidance to Federal departments and agencies on Federal Law Protections for Religious Liberty.
  • Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the HHS Office for Civil Rights, which:
  • Issued a final rule to strengthen enforcement of Federal laws protecting the conscience rights of healthcare workers and entities; and
  • Enforced Federal laws protecting conscience rights against laws adopted by the States of California and Hawaii that had required pro-life pregnancy resource centers to refer clients for abortions.
  • Opposes efforts at the United Nations to make abortion an international human right.
  • Advocates for the protection of women and children, born and unborn, as a global health priority, including by building a coalition of countries representing over one billion inhabitants.

Help Re-Elect our Pro-Life President!

January 18th: Trump Victory National Day of Action

Aroostook County: National Day of Action Trump Victory Leadership Initiative Training

Mainely Mexican 6 State Road, Presque Isle 

Time: 9:30AM – 12PM


Piscataquis County: National Day of Action Trump Victory Leadership Initiative Training

Charleston Town Hall 125 School Rd, Charleston, ME 

Time: 12PM – 2PM


Somerset County: National Day of Action Trump Victory Voter Registration Drive

Location: Economy Guns and Indoor Shooting Range 81 Main St, Madison, ME 04950

Time: 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM


York County National Day of Action Trump Victory Voter Registration Drive

Location: Market Basket- 220 Mariner Way, Biddeford, ME 04005

Time: 9:00 AM – 5PM