Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas’ Statement on Democrats Calls to Impeach President Trump

AUGUSTA – Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas released the following statement on the Democrats calls to impeach President Trump: “Another day, another witch hunt in Washington, D.C.” said Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. “After coming up empty with their Russian collusion delusion, Democrats have moved to a phony Ukrainian scandal that is light on details.” …

Recap: #NationalVoterRegistrationDay

Trump Victory is empowering and engaging voters across Maine, training volunteers, and registering new voters. Mainers are energized and ready to again support President Trump in 2020, and try as they may, Democrats can’t compete with our grassroots efforts.” Thank you to everyone who joined us for our National Day of Action yesterday. Here are …

Mills announces new plan to punish Mainers

Good Evening, If you are covering Janet Mills’ announcement at the United Nations today, please consider the following: If you are covering Janet Mills’ announcement at the United Nations today, please consider the following: “Janet Mills and Sara Gideon join the ranks of 2020 Democrats who will stop at nothing to punish our state’s most …

Speak Up Against Oil Taxes, Share Your Home Heating Story

With the tax-increasing $93 trillion ‘Green New Deal,’ Joe Biden’s assertion that fossil fuels have no place in his administration, proposed carbon taxes, and all the other extreme climate plans coming from the left, one thing is clear: there is a war being waged on our way of life in Maine. Democrats’ disconnect from the …