The Fight Is Far From Over

AUGUSTA, ME– Maine Republican Party Chair, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, and New Hampshire Republican Party Chair, Stephen Stepanek, issued the following statement regarding the 2020 election:

“President Trump has fought for us and we are fighting for him,” said Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. “The President’s investments in Maine and New Hampshire were a game changer during the 2020 election, resulting in major wins in both the Pine Tree and Granite State. In Maine, we delivered an Electoral College win in Maine’s Second Congressional District, re-elected Senator Susan Collins, and made major gains in the Maine House of Representatives, gaining 11 seats and re-electing every single incumbent.”

“With the help from New Hampshire Trump Victory, we were able to restore fiscal sanity to our legislature by electing majorities in the House, Senate, and Executive Council to support Governor Chris Sununu,” stated New Hampshire GOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek. “New Hampshire has high levels of election integrity and every Granite Stater can be assured that New Hampshire’s election was fair and legitimate. We will continue to support President Trump and his campaign’s efforts to pursue that every legal vote is properly counted in the remaining states – not just to ensure the integrity of this past election but to ensure that every future national election will have the same level of integrity as New Hampshire elections have.”

“Now that the dust has settled from the elections in our respective states, we have focused our attention to ensure that President Trump receives a fair election and the integrity of our nation’s election system is upheld,” continued Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. “Both of our state parties have already made substantial donations to President Trump’s Official Election Defense Fund and have deployed staff to key states to assist the President’s team. Like many Americans, we are deeply concerned with the anomalies in these states and the possibility of election fraud, and will continue to full heartedly support our President until all counting and litigation concludes. As far as we are concerned, President Trump is still our President until proven otherwise.”

“Thank you to all the patriots who have spent the last four years fighting for President Trump. From knocking doors, to making phone calls, and hosting MAGA meetups, you have left it all on the field for President Trump, but our work is not done yet. We must fight back against corruption and fraud, and make sure that our election system is fair and honest. For the thousands of New Englander who have asked how they can continue to help, the best way to support our President is to donate whatever you can to President Trump’s Official Election Defense Fund.”

“We have come too far to give up now. The swamp and the media have fought President Trump at every turn and have proven they will do anything to destroy our President. Regardless of the attack, we have always had his back and we always will. We will not rest until the truth about the 2020 election is revealed and we return trust to American elections.”  



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