Maine GOP Statement on Democrats $32 Trillion “Medicare for All” Plan

AUGUSTA – Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas released the following statement on the Democrats $32 Trillion “Medicare for All” plan:

“Once again, Democrats like Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden are embracing socialist policies that would result in a complete takeover of our healthcare system. The newest plan would cost the American taxpayers $32 trillion, create tax increases, and end Medicare as we know it.

“It is certainly concerning that Jared Golden joined Chellie Pingree and 100 of the most extreme far-left members of Congress to co-sponsor the Medicare for All Act of 2019. With every passing day, it is becoming more clear that Golden is a far-left rubber-stamp Democrat, and not the pragmatic leader Maine needs.

“Only Bernie Sanders could take his original government healthcare takeover scheme, rip 177 million Americans off their private plans, and make it more expensive. To make it worse, fellow 2020 Democratic candidates have signed on to this reckless plan. The choice is clear, Americans cannot afford the socialist plans espoused by Democrats.”

“As Democrats continue to push further and further left, it is clear the concerns of everyday American citizens are being left behind. Simply put, “Medicare for All” is bad for our nation and bad for Maine.”




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