House Speaker Mark Eves defied Ethics Commission

Bangor Daily News article says Eves was told by Maine Ethics Commission that once hired, he should recuse himself from deliberations on funding, but Eves continued behind closed doors for 6 days

AUGUSTA – The Bangor Daily News is reporting that Speaker of the House Mark Eves was told by the Maine Ethics Commission that once hired by Good Will-Hinckley,he should consider recusing himself from deliberations.

​Eves’ hiring was announced on June 9, 2015.

Eves continued in closed door meetings on the state budget through June 15, 2015, according to media accounts of the negotiations.

The Good Will-Hinckley school is funded both via GPA and the miscellaneous costs portion of the state budget.

GPA funding was one of the key pieces of the budget Speaker Eves, Senate Minority Leader Justin Alfond and Democrats trumpeted as Democrat victories in the budget negotiations.

It is unclear how Speaker Eves could have followed the Maine Ethics Commission’s guidance on recusing himself while continuing behind closed doors negotiations on the funding, and then declaring he had successfully negotiated the funding he was advised to recuse himself from negotiating.

Eves hiring announced on June 9, 2015:

Budget deal Eves helped craft behind closed doors announced on June 15, 2015:

Bangor Daily News reports Eves was told he should recuse himself once hired:



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