Open letter to Hillary Clinton from Maine Republican women

March 28, 2018 Former Secretary Clinton: We are writing you to express our disappointment in your recent comments regarding women voters that were most unhelpful and, frankly, insulting. The votes we women cast here in Maine are not determined by our husbands, our fathers, or our sons. We determine them. We are Republicans because we …

Demi Kouzounas statement on the passing of Don Collins

Today, Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas made the following statement upon this weekend’s passing of a true Maine icon, Don Collins: “Our hearts go out to Senator Collins, her family, and all those who knew Don Collins and his dedication to his family, community and Maine. Married to his lovely wife, Pat, for seventy …

Ranked-Choice Voting risks the security of ELECTIONS

With Secretary of State Matt Dunlap announcing that ranked-choice voting supporters have enough certified signatures to continue pushing the issue in the June primary, we have deep concerns. Considering that today is March 9th, we are just over 3 months away from Election Day, and implementing this complicated and confusing system could be a nightmare. …

Finding Practical Solutions for School Safety

By Jason Savage Schools must not be safe spaces for killers. On this, people of all political stripes should agree.  ​At the same time, Maine is a unique state, with low crime rates and high gun ownership combined with hundreds of small populations spread across vast territory with declining school budgets and enrollment. Because of …

Maine GOP Chair Statement on State of the State Address

PRESS RELEASEFor Immediate Release: February 13, 2018 AUGUSTA—Today, Maine Republican Party Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas made the following statement following Governor LePage’s State of the State Address: “There is no doubt Governor LePage has strengthened Maine. Whether it was cutting taxes and welfare rolls, seeing unemployment drop by over half, or beating a dangerous effort …


Today, the Maine Republican Party is announcing that, over the past six years, it has closed its voter registration deficit with Democrats in Maine’s Second Congressional District to nearly nothing.  According to the Maine Secretary of State website, in 2012 there were 6,680 fewer registered Republicans than Democrats in Maine’s Second Congressional District. Since then, …