Collins Sweeps Sara in Debates

AUGUSTA– Maine Republican Party Chair, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, issued the following statement after the conclusion of tonight’s U.S. Senate Debate:

“At every debate, Susan Collins has shown that her knowledge of Maine and it’s people is unparalleled,” said Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. “In the Senate, experience matters and Mainers deserve results. A great contrast of tonight’s debate is that Susan Collins was in D.C. working for Mainers, while Sara Gideon was at home, exactly where she’s been since she shutdown the legislature in the midst of a pandemic over 200 days ago.”

“There isn’t a town in Maine that hasn’t been positively impacted by Senator Collins’ tireless advocacy. Whenever Mainers have an issue, or are in need of assistance, Senator Collins jumps into action to save the day. Senator Collins doesn’t represent special interests, she represents us. She speaks for our shipyard workers, our farmers, our fishermen, and has delivered historic victories to our state.”

“Mainers need Susan Collins in Washington, D.C.– and I look forward to her serving another 6 years representing our great state.”



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