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Bellows Must Not Oversee Elections In Which She Is A Candidate

Shenna Bellows with President Joe Biden, who she violated the US Constitution to assist in 2024 by removing Donald J. Trump from Maine's ballot.

AUGUSTA – In no uncertain terms the Maine Republican Party position is simple: Shenna Bellows must not be trusted to oversee elections when she herself is on the ballot.

In the run-up to the 2024 Presidential Primary, Shenna Bellows created a national debacle and violated the US Constitution with her removal of Donald J. Trump from the ballot – a move that was shot down by the United States Supreme Court.

“Secretary of State Bellows showed us in 2024 that ‘democracy’, as voters understand it,is not safe with her at the helm of Maine’s elections,” said Maine GOP Chairman Jim Deyermond. “Now, with her on the ballot, the integrity of our elections will once again be under assault.”

Chairman Deyermond is demanding Bellows remove herself from the post in advance of the election ballot access period.

“No aspect of the coming election in which Bellows will compete should be under her authority,from ballot access and creation of ballots, to any of the feel-good propaganda Bellows is so fond of producing. Enough is enough,” said Deyermond.

Months in advance of any election, the Secretary of State’s office must issue petitions,design ballots and prepare for the election. All aspects of that process must be free of Bellows’ influence.

“The people of Maine, all candidates for office and anyone else concerned need to see an immediate plan to ensure the woman who blatantly attacked our ‘democracy’ in 2024 is not overseeing her own election in 2026,”said Deyermond.

The Maine Secretary of State’s office is full of individuals with decades of experience administering elections from ballot access to election day operations, the best thing for our ‘democracy’ is for Shenna Bellows and her taxpayer-funded political staff in the office to step aside as soon as possible.

Let’s put impartial public servants, rather than a politician appointed by Democrat legislators (who also want boys competing in girls’ sports and are bankrupting our state) to serve their own interests.