Our mission is to capture the gavel to restore the people's voice in Augusta.

Chairman's Reception Monday March 17th

In case you missed the news: the Maine GOP Chairman’s Reception on Monday March 17th is just a few days away! Click here to get your tickets!

A couple quick updates:

Former US Ambassador & US Senator Scott Brown will be with us as an honored guest and offer his remarks.

Robert Wessels, who has declared his candidacy for Maine Governor has confirmed his attendance at the reception. You can find out more about Robert at voterobertwessels.com

As we move forward, we are confirming additional names. So far, four other prospective candidates for Governor have confirmed attendance. (No, if you ask, we cannot tell you who, you will have to be there)

We are sure to have an exciting time with this group along with Irish Music and hearing from Chairman Deyermond!

If you want to be among the first to get a look at how the race to replace Janet Mills is shaping up, March 17th is your chance!

Click Here To Get Your Tickets