Our mission is to capture the gavel to restore the people's voice in Augusta.

Maine Senate Republicans

Maine Senate Republicans have made it a priority to restore spending and borrowing accountability to the Legislature, to make Maine a more affordable place to live and work and to strengthen your communities through rational policy making.

Senator Trey Stewart


Senator Trey Stewart is the Republican
Leader of the Maine Senate.

Senator Lisa Keim


Senator Lisa Keim is the Assistant
Republican Leader of the Maine Senate.

Maine House Republicans

The Maine House Republican Caucus is fully committed to improving our economy, bringing good-paying jobs to the state, and growing our workforce through common sense public policy. We will work tirelessly to ease the tax burden on hardworking Mainers, lower energy costs for Maine’s homes and businesses and put an end to the waste, fraud and abuse in our welfare system.

Representative Billy Bob


Representative Billy Bob Faulkingham is the Republican Leader of the Maine House of Representatives.

Representative Amy Arata


Representative Amy Arata serves as the
Assistant House Republican Leader.

Our Party Leadership

Hon. Joel Stetkis


Joel Stetkis has been defending freedom and fighting for Republican principles through his entire life.

From his service in the US Air Force to his nearly two decades in politics, serving first as a Republican Town Committee Chair to his four terms in the Maine State House, with the last as Assistant Republican Leader, Joel has deep and strong roots in Maine and with the party.

A builder by trade, Joel’s focus throughout his time in politics has been making Maine a better place to work, play and raise a family.

His faith, focus on defending the Constitution and helping Maine’s working families has been the bedrock of his work in politics.
In the Maine Legislature, Joel served on various Labor, Commerce and Economic Development Committees and led the charge in opposing, and often defeating, much of the worst of progressive legislation by sticking to principle.

Joel has previously served in many positions in the Republican Party, including as State Committeeman from his home county of Somerset. Joel is currently a Somerset County Commissioner.

Joel lives in Canaan with his wife Denise.

Hon. Josh Tardy


Hon. Josh Tardy is Maine’s RNC National Committeeman.
He can be reached at:

Samuel Bridges


Will be updated soon.

Barbara Harvey


Barbara Campbell Harvey of Portland was re-elected as Secretary of the Maine Republican Party in 2023. In addition to her vast experience with Republican political organizations across Maine, Ms. Harvey also has served in a variety of positions for well-known organizations such as the Maine Education Loan Authority Board, LearningWorks, First Radio Parish Church of America, and Friends of the Blaine House. Ms. Harvey received her Master’s Degree in political science at Northeastern and lives in Portland, Maine.

to contact Barbara, send her an email at: barbara@mainegop.com

Tiffany Dilda-Gaspar


Tiffany Dilda-Gaspar was elected in early 2024 and is a new face to the leadership team here at MEGOP. Ms. Dilda-Gaspar comes from a strong financial background, starting with her education at University of Maine with a Bachelors in Accounting, and is almost done completing her Master's Degree. Ms. Dilda-Gaspar owns a consulting group offering a vast amount of services including large/small businesses, estates, and political campaigns. In addition to her consulting group, she also owns a successful bar catering company. In Ms.Dilda-Gaspar's spare time, she is often found either at camp or on the sports courts with her kids, either coaching or watching her 3 daughters play, or volunteering her time as Treasurer on many different political committees/clubs, and also other non-profit organizations statewide and where she resides in Ellsworth.

to contact Tiffany, send her an email at: tiffany@mainegop.com

Lauren. LePage

RNC National Committeewoman

Lauren is a licensed Maine attorney, political strategist and serves as our National Committeewoman. She has spent the last 15 years working tirelessly in Republican politics to help candidates across the state get elected to hold various offices across the State of Maine

A lifelong Mainer, Lauren grew up in Waterville. After attending Florida State University, Lauren began her career in politics by working for her father, former Governor Paul LePage, on his 2010 gubernatorial election and throughout his administration. Shortly after his successful re-election campaign, Lauren went on to earn a law degree from the University of Maine School of Law and became a member of the Maine Bar in 2017. Lauren continued to play an active role in Maine politics before opening her own consulting firm in 2022.

Lauren currently lives in Springvale with her husband Matt, and their two dogs Bailey and Bullet. She also serves on the Board of the Sanford Mainers and the Sanford Housing Authority.