Our mission is to capture the gavel to restore the people's voice in Augusta.

The latest Biden joke

What a joke.

Did you see Joe Biden's big announcement?

He said he's going to secure the border!

First of all, his announcement is a useless political stunt.

Second, more than 11 MILLION illegal immigrants have already come into this country on his watch.

And on Jared Golden's watch.

And on Angus King's watch.

And on Chellie Pingree's watch.

This is one of the biggest policy failures in modern history.

Biden knows We the People are furious about the fentanyl, about the crime, about the national security threats that come with an open border.

He and his handlers are trying to placate us with this little announcement.

It's an insult to your intelligence -- all to try and hold on to political power.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to stop screwing around with the clowns in DC.

It's time for people who will help Trump secure the border, AGAIN.


It's your next chance to show Biden, Shenna, and the left that you won't be silenced.